Welcome to St. Joseph Church of Gowanda


St. Joseph Church Parish Picnic

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Collins Conservation Club

4:30 pm Outdoor Mass

Picnic to follow 

RSVP by August 9, 2024 by calling the rectory at 716-532-5100



Prayer before Mass Father, with humility and faith, I approach You as I prepare myself to attend Holy Mass, Grant me a trusting heart and a renewed faith so I may always see this Sacrament as Christ’s eternal memorial of His love for us. May I approach this Sacrament with utmost humility and gratitude through Christ our Lord. Amen


Family Mass Schedule

St. Joseph Church/Gowanda

Saturday Vigil, 4:30 pm, Sunday, 8:30 am

Weekday Mass—Monday, Wednesday & Friday, 9:15 am.


Saint Mary’s Church/Cattaraugus

Sunday, 10:15 am

No weekday Mass.


Epiphany of Our Lord/Langford

Saturday Vigil, 5:30 pm, Sunday, 8:00 am

Weekday Mass—Tuesday & Thursday, 9:15 am


Holy Spirit/North Collins

Sunday, 9:30 am

Weekday Mass—Tuesday & Thursday, 8:00 am


Immaculate Conception/Eden

Saturday Vigil, 4:00 pm, Sunday, 11:00 am

Weekday Mass—Monday, Wednesday, & Friday, 8:00 am





Mass Times St Joseph Gowanda.

Regular Mass Times:

Saturday Vigil - 4:30 p.m.

Sunday - 8:30 a.m.

Weekday Masses
Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 9:15 a.m.

Rectory Office Hours
Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.  

(716) 532-5100

St Mary's Parish


St. Joseph Church has a very long history with many stories. Part of its history is as a welcoming community for joining parishes of St. Paul of the Cross (1864), Dayton; St. Elizabeth (1939), Cherry Creek; St. John Fisher (1940), Dayton; St. Joan of Arc (1950), Perrysburg; and St. Joseph’s Church, (1898) Gowanda.

Together we continue to move forward and bring the Gospel message to our larger overall community. I hope that you might join us in continuing to bring the message of Jesus Christ to others, as we continue on our pilgrim journey each day.

March 2020 - Father Innocent